SINAR HARIAN mempaparkan berita mengenai pindaan pasar malam dari Pekan Subang ke Subang Perdana sebelum akhir bulan Jun. Berharap kerjasama penduduk, peniaga2 dan penjaja2 amat dihargai menjayakan program..
Today, the PMSP Committees has indentified new area to apeased the business owners who are against the proposal of Pasar Malam. and we encounter 2 problems; the trucks and the showroom.
Suzuki showroom at the junction of the road.
The haulage trucks has to be moved out.
The owner of the trucks...
Trial run on the approved Pasar Malam site.
The standard size 8' X 10' is not enough space
to accommodate their goods..
The van alone has occupied about 8 foot leaving
a 2 footer space to work on..
The distance between the two rows are narrow...
We have to provide the solution before the hawkers
are permanently shifted to Subang Perdana..