12.Feb.2010- Progress on the wet market.Developer blamed on the contractor for the delay.
15.Jan.2010- Revisited the construction site to check the progress of the wet market which is agreed to handing back to MBSA by 31.Jan.2010.
12.Jan.2010- Meeting with the Developer in MBSA to discussed about the handing over of wet market.
In attendance are YB Dr.Nasir, MBSA Azhar, Zawawi, Danny Ang.
19.Nov.2009.To visit the proposed wet market ( pork stall )
The lot is ready for occupation...
From another angle..
Requested the Contractor to clear the path to wet market.
If possible, to advise the hawkers along the fences to evacuate.
To facilitate the groundwork...
Multi-level car park cum wet market.
Discussion with the developer. Danny Ang...
Also, just to remind the developer to take priority on the
dengue prevention especially during the rainy season.
During my walk with the supervisor, I noticed that the
cleanliness and safety is practice and enforced...
While at the highest floor, I pondered....