17.NOV.2009.Wed-Location at the Subang Perdana 1.You could enjoy the food over here ( Pic.1 & 2). It can be extended to few more stalls ( Pic.3 & 4 ) but.........
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
........there is a ' DANGER' warning sign hang on the fence..
The hawkers claimed to operate their business beside the sewerage treatment plant since 2 years back under the previous government. And since Pakatan took over, he went to ADUNs for supporting letters and he got it...
Knowingly, this compound should free from any doing any form of business and I had imposed them with 6 months eviction from this date. But due to reason of his genuine and insistence, I had to find a solution to help him and the others unreservedly. Temporarily, I have no obstruction though I do not support the idea of conducting their business nearby to this kind of environment. I will consult with MBSA for further details.
Or maybe, I would seek ADUN Kota Damansara for his wisdom.....